
The company has been completely accident free for the past four years. For this long a time, not even a single scratch was recorded, and this has catapulted the company to a stature in the industry best admired and widely acclaimed for its adherence to international health and safety measures. The glory of being known champions in this area had to be stomped out because of the tragic accident in one of the manufactories where a defective oven UV curing oven allegedly created an explosion that hurt many.

The company heads immediately rushed to the scene of the incident through private flights coordinated from the corporate office to different locations as to where the key senior management persons were. As they were spread across different states, we at the support office had to make sure that New Flight Charters were able to service each one of them. There were no worries to this effect anyway, because we have been patrons and positive contributors to the Jet charter company reviews that pertain to New Flight Charter’s professional client and travel services.

The inspection was done in the site by the senior management themselves, and it was most reassuring for the fifteen injured workers that the company is there to look after them. The chief operations officer signed off the agreement for the coverage of all hospitalization dues and the 100% paid compensation while the injured needed to have the doctor recommended rest due to their sustained injuries.

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