
The international conference for aesthetic science has been this one event that our newly opened aesthetic center has been looking forward to all year long. We have received the invitation as an exhibitor around ten months prior to the event, but we rather go as a visitor. As much as my product line were world class and up for the world market, testing the waters especially in light of the economic crisis, was still a better option on the business point of view.

About six other colleagues in the industry received their invitations yet when I asked them, they were all unsure of their availabilities. In fact none of them had the full decision to join the conference along with me. Yet two days before the conference all six of them wanted to visit the conference. Glad they did, I had the best interest to book for Private jet service. They all thought it was an unfounded splurge. But when I showed the prices of the elite fleet that New Flight Charters had, they were all in gasps of disbelief.

One of them even had a German partner who very recently visited her clinic to check on the equipment the German company offered to her for free. My colleague trained with their aesthetic institute for over four years, and she got this in exchange of all of her hard work. She said that if only she knew of how affordable charter aircraft could be, she should have made her German guests feel more comfortable as VIPs, the same way that they treated her back in Germany.

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