
Some newspaper writers are attacking international professional athletes for spending too much money on Private flights. Before anything else, the writers have no business on how individuals spend their own money. Professional athletes have needs which ordinary people could not understand. First, athletes need to bring their professional masseurs and doctors in their international travels. Imagine the number of eyes staring at the athlete if the professional masseur has to dip him in ice every two hours or stretch his joints every hour. Nutritionists accompanying the athlete must feed him at a more regular basis than ordinary people. He cannot reveal the food he gives to the athlete and the only way he can feed the athlete properly is when they fly via private jets. There are no exclusive rooms in first class cabins in huge commercial jets where the athlete could eat his special food or where he can be given a good massage. Aside from that, his manager and trainer have to plan meetings and make sure that the contracts are favorable to their client. Such discussions are impossible even in first class and business cabins of the commercial jets.

If you happen to be a professional athlete or the manager of an athlete, we strongly suggest that you travel via private jets. You don’t want your athlete to starve for several hours just because the nutritionist could not expose the secret formulas to other persons aside from members of the team. You don’t want your athlete to develop cramps and muscle spasms just because it is improper to give him a massage inside a plane cabin with more than 20 persons you don’t know. has excellent planes fit for groups. Private jets and aircraft for charter flights fit for athletes and their teams are available in our company. We have planes good for 20, 30, or 40 people. Check our website for more information.

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